Web Toolbar by Wibiya Awaken Dreams Success Coaching: Entrepreneurship Is Perfect for Stay-At-Home Moms

Entrepreneurship Is Perfect for Stay-At-Home Moms

by Debi Auger

Welcome to Part 2 of my "Entrepreneurship is Perfect for..." Series

According to an article by CNNMoney.com, with the economy in such bad shape, a lot of Moms have had to leave their jobs and stay home because, once you factor in the cost of childcare, gas and other work-related expenses, it just isn't worth working.

For some, the opportunity to be a stay-at-home Mom is a welcome one, especially if it's by choice and isn't a financial struggle for the family. For others that choice is not so easy, especially if they went to college to work in a chosen field and had a career that they valued and enjoyed... and that can lead to resentment and a whole host of problems.

Either way, for most people this choice means living paycheck to paycheck and barely scraping by to make ends meet. It doesn't have to be that way. No matter which of those 2 groups you fall into, the "by choice" or the "not-so-much," there are options for you to make things financially easier for your family once the decision is made. 

Choosing to be a Mompreneur can reap benefits that may be even more valuable than the money you make. It can be a huge boost to your self-esteem to own your own business. It certainly will make you feel more independent. And, it will give you the opportunity to interact with other adults throughout the day and not be stuck in baby-talk mode for hours on end. It can really give you the best of both worlds... the amazing opportunity to stay home with your children, have that quality time, see all their firsts and have the time to enjoy being a Mom AND have a business of your own that makes it financially easier for you to stay home while also building something that you can grow over time while your children grow, so by the time they start school (or go to college) and you'd normally be deciding to go back to work again, you won't be fretting over finding a job or starting over. You'll have built a thriving business of your own to turn your attention to.

If this idea interests you and it's an option you'd like to explore further, you might want to consider my Program that's starting Tuesday:

You don't need to be an artisan to take this course. It's a lifestyle business planning course in which I'll be doing Niche Selection Workshops for those who aren't sure exactly what they want to do/offer. So, if you think it's something that might interest you, stop over and learn more about the Program. But don't wait... registration closes at 12am on Thursday morning. I hope to see you there :)

And if you have any friends or colleagues you think might be interested in the Program, please share with them as well. I'd appreciate any help spreading the word :)

Much Success,

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