Web Toolbar by Wibiya Awaken Dreams Success Coaching: Are You Doing What You Love?

Are You Doing What You Love?

by Debi Auger

So, are you?? I hope so! And I'd love it even more if you'd take a second to leave a comment after you read this and tell me what that is! I'd love to know what the amazing work is that makes YOU happy.

It's a wonderful thing to be able to do what you love for a living. As most of you know, I had to give up a career that meant the world to me. I'm being blessed a second time though and have found a mix of other things I truly love to do; one of them is helping you do what you truly love.

Have you ever had the opportunity to hear the speech that Steve Jobs gave at the Stanford Commencement Ceremony in 2005? It was an amazing speech; one that I've listened to a few times. And, as I embark on the formal launch of aWAEHQn dreams Success Coaching, I'd like to share it with you...

Those of you who would prefer to read the speech can find it here... http://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html.

I've seen a lot of back and forth banter, especially with the economy the way it is, about the "traditional life path," you know... go to school, get good grades, excel on the SAT's so you can get into a good college, graduate college, get a good job, etc... and whether that's still the ideal way to go.

Is Entrepreneurship Given Its Fair Share of Respect?

There are those who feel that entrepreneurship isn't given proper respect as a career choice; that students are pushed down the "go-to-college-be-a-lawyer-or-doctor" path, or the "take-over-the-family-business" path, whether or not that's really what they want to do. And, if they do want to be an entrepreneur, it's discouraged or looked upon as a joke.

What's your experience? What do you think about it? Do you have children with whom this has come up?

And What About YOU?

How do people treat you for choosing to be an entrepreneur? Do you even consider yourself an entrepreneur? Or maybe you haven't given it much thought. ARE you an entrepreneur? Let's see...


 noun, plural en·tre·pre·neurs
a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.

Hmmm... well, I'll bet you really ARE an entrepreneur, aren't you? Congratulations!! If you're an artisan and you truly want to do what you love for a living, this is the first adjustment you must make to your mindset.

You must see yourself as an entrepreneur. You must look at your craft as a valuable skill. You've quite likely taken years to learn and perfect it. It's valuable. You're valuable. Your time is valuable. And your work is valuable... and marketable.

And THAT gives you the ability to be an entrepreneur; the ability to, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, "go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined."

Thoughts as we embark on this journey? Comment below :)

Much success,

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  1. Thanks for this inspiring and thought provoking post Debi! I have listened to Steve Jobs' commencement speech, but I'm going to listen to it again.

    I'm definitely moving towards doing what I love. I joined Toastmasters back in March/April...my goal is to become a public speaker! ;-)

    1. Hi Ang! You're welcome. I'm glad to inspire some reflection. Congrats on the steps you've taken toward your goal! If your blog is any indication, you're going to be an amazing public speaker! For those of you who don't know, Angela and Sporty own The Balance & Life Blog. It's absolutely wonderful. Stop by when you have a chance... http://thebalanceandlifeblog.com/.


Have something you want to share? Wonderful... I'd love for you to share your thoughts :) Thank you!